Our Services

Our Qualified Mediators will seek to resolve disputes and conflicts in the realm of Family Law.

What is Mediation?

The goal of Mediation is to manage and resolve conflicts between parties. The process is structured and interactive, and is conducted by a Mediator who acts as an impartial third party. The goal of the Mediator is to improve communication between the parties with a resolution that is specific to them. Mediators will recommend solutions tailored to the parties’ unique needs.


Why Choose Mediation?

  • Mediation allows the parties to have more control over the resolution than the court process

  • Unlike the court process, Mediation can facilitate a solution in a relatively short timeline

  • Mediation is a user friendly process that is far less adversarial than the court system

  • Mediation allows for individuals to openly express their emotions, and provides solutions tailored to your unique situation

  • Mediation is a cost effective method of dispute resolution that is far less expensive than navigating the court system